Licensed Counseling in Texas

Lisa Rogers Counseling offers licensed individual and group mental health counseling for couples, families, adolescents and children based in Texas and other select states (NY, NJ, FL, CA, GA, IL and VT).

Looking for a Trusted Texas Licensed Therapist?

Are you in need of licensed therapy in Houston, Dallas or elsewhere in the state of Texas? Lisa Rogers Counseling is a licensed and experienced therapist that can provide the safe and confidential space you need.

Looking for Multi-State Licensed Therapist in Texas and Beyond?

Lisa Rogers offers secure and licensed counseling for Texas based patients as well as other select states (NY, NJ, CA, FL, GA, IL and VT).

With families disbursed across state lines and the constant relocation of individuals, finding a therapist that is licensed in multiple states is often a requirement for your situation.

Virtual therapy is a convenient option that allows couples, families and groups to meet together while being physically separate to discuss topics relevant to their experience together.

  • Parents and adult children
  • Siblings
  • Co-parenting
  • Blended families
  • Long distance relationships
  • Work relationships
  • Family estrangement

Lisa Rogers Counseling Can Help You Face Your Challenges

Lisa Rogers is a multi-state licensed Marriage and Family Therapist available to see patients in select licensed states and international countries. Lisa Rogers can help with managing stress, depression, anxiety, trauma, relationships, life transitions, LGBTQ concerns, and many more topics. She also specializes in therapy for substance abuse and dependency.

Lisa Rogers treats adults, adolescents, and children in a variety of contexts, including Individual Adult Therapy, Family Therapy, Couples Therapy, Marriage Therapy, and Group Therapy. Lisa is certified in a wide variety of therapy techniques including Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) and Mindfulness.

Lisa Rogers completed her undergraduate work at The University of Southern California, with a Bachelors degree in Psychology. Graduate work was done at Pepperdine University in Malibu California with a Masters in Clinical Psychology with an emphasis in Marriage and Family Therapy.

Lisa E. Rogers (MA, LPC, LMFT) offers therapy for Individuals, Families and Couples. Lisa is based in New York City and licensed for counseling in California, New York, New Jersey, Texas, Georgia, Florida, Illinois, Vermont and Japan/International by case basis. Contact Lisa Rogers.

Lisa Rogers MA, LPC, LMFT - Multi-State Licensed Therapist

Getting Started

Virtual Therapy or Tele-therapy is a convenient option for location independent individuals as well as families, couples or groups that are unable to be together physically. Every member of the group must be a resident of one of the states that Lisa Roger Counseling is licensed in (NY, NJ, TX, CA, FL, GA, IL, VT).

  • 1

    Confirm Session Availability

    Email to confirm availability & fee schedule

  • 2

    Schedule Virtual Consultation

    All members of party must be in attendance.

  • 3

    Submit all Required Documents

    Convenient digital forms for completion

Schedule a consultation with Lisa Rogers.

It is so important to find a therapist you feel comfortable with. Please contact me to schedule an initial free consultation to see if if therapy is the right option for you.